映画「インターステラー」メイキング映像公開 庵野秀明、神山健治らも絶賛 5枚目の写真・画像

(C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • クリストファー・ノーラン監督と主演のマシュー・マコノヒー(C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • (C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
  • クリストファー・ノーラン監督(C) 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. and Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.
